Privacy Policy
The privacy policy below is from 'Servconnect'; the system with which the website is managed.
Servconnect Privacy Policy
This website utilizes the "Servconnect" system to manage its operations. Below, you will find the privacy policy of Servconnect. We believe in the fundamental right to privacy for everyone. Servconnect has been developed with privacy as one of its core principles from its inception. While Servconnect inherently collects certain information, it's possible that the owner of this website has tailored Servconnect to store more or less data than described below. For specific details, please refer to the Privacy Policy of the website administrator. The administrator can add 'apps' to Servconnect to extend the website's functionality. The default privacy policy documents for all added 'Servconnect Apps' follow after Servconnect's general Privacy Policy.
What information does Servconnect collect?
Servconnect Engine, by itself, does not collect any data.
Where is my data stored?
The administrator of this website is responsible for storing your data. Servconnect (or the parent company; the creators of Servconnect) do not have access to this data. For more information, please refer to the Privacy Policy of the website administrator.
The Servconnect Privacy Policy was last modified on April 14, 2022. Servconnect reserves the right to modify the Privacy Policy at any time, without prior notice in any form.
Servconnect-app: Servconnect People
Last revision: 09-04-2024
What is Servconnect People?
Servconnect People is the Servconnect app used to manage accounts and individuals. It is developed by Alwin Lubbers Software, just like Servconnect itself. The purpose of Servconnect People is to provide a better experience for customers.
Why does Servconnect People collect data?
Servconnect People is responsible for everything related to individuals, including the account system on the website. With your explicit consent, Servconnect People can collect the following data:
- Your First and Last Name;
- Your Email Address(es);
- Your Address(es);
- Your Date of Birth;
- Your Salutation;
- Your Nickname;
- Your Business Information:
- Company Name;
- Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number;
- VAT number;
- Your Website(s);
- Your Phone Number(s).
Your email address(es), address(es), and phone number(s) can be labeled as:
- Work,
- Private,
- Other,
- Home (only for phone number(s)).
Servconnect People also collects data to ensure the security of your account. The following data will always be collected when you log in, visit the website with a logged-in account, create an account, or accept the Servconnect People cookie notification:
- Your IP address;
- An estimate of your device based on:
- Screen size;
- Browser User-Agent;
- JavaScript UserAgentData API;
- The time you logged in;
- Last activity to the server;
- The language of the device you are using.
The above data will be kept for a maximum of 3 years to give Servconnect People an idea of which devices you use. For example, if Servconnect People notices that you suddenly log in with a 'phone from brand A' while you normally only log in with a 'phone from brand B', Servconnect People will ask for additional verification via email.
Servconnect People also stores some preferences with your account information. Many of these preferences can be adjusted by yourself via the account system on the website. These preferences include:
- The language of your account (based on device info);
- Setting for receiving marketing-related email;
- Consent setting for contact via phone.
- Whether you have accepted the terms and conditions;
- When you have accepted the terms and conditions;
- Whether you have accepted the privacy policy;
- When you have accepted the privacy policy;
Some of the above data can be changed by yourself via the account system. When you delete a phone number or address, it will also be removed from Servconnect People. Work X Work can then no longer access this data.
How does Servconnect People protect my data?
Servconnect People stores all personal data, which can then be used in other Servconnect apps. Servconnect apps are not allowed to simply copy your data, but they may make references to it. For example, if you order something on the website, the Servconnect app responsible for the webshop does not store your personal data separately. Your data always remains under Servconnect People. When you change or delete your account, this data is also changed or deleted in all other apps that have made a reference to your profile.
The website administrator, Work X Work, can view all data you have provided and edit it if necessary. Servconnect People has been developed with privacy in mind from the start; Work X Work cannot see your password. Any one-time tokens such as two-step verification and email validation tokens are immediately removed from the database after use.
Servconnect People uses the latest techniques when it comes to password hashing. If a data breach occurs, the chance of your password being exposed is very small.
Servconnect People creates backups after an update of Servconnect People, in addition to the backups of the Servconnect Engine. When Work X Work installs an update of Servconnect People, a database snapshot is created containing all Servconnect People data at that time. It is up to Work X Work to remove these backups.
Compliance with local legislation
Although Servconnect and Servconnect People are developed by Alwin Lubbers Software, Work X Work is responsible for compliance with (local) legislation. Refer to Work X Work's privacy policy for more information.
Apps for Servconnect People
Servconnect apps can tap into the functionality of Servconnect People, for example, by adding an extra section to the 'Dashboard' page of the account system. Apps can also add pages to the account system via an API. You can recognize these sections by which icon lights up in the sidebar. The sidebar is divided into sections. Only the 'Dashboard', 'Security', and 'Privacy' buttons are managed by Servconnect People. The 'Personal Information' page also belongs to Servconnect People.
Servconnect apps may handle your data differently. If this is the case, you will find this in this privacy policy.